Psychlogy is study about the scientific study of mind and behavior or study about behavior of Human .
we are going to discover the most perfect object of universe is (The human brain because we know that we exits.
human behavior is appear by man like
. Human is the great creature in earth. Human know about themselves, they know who they are.
On earth there are only human that can lead the world forward with technology by using their brain. It's the best treasure that human has a thinkable brain that can makes humans differ from animals. Animals don't know about their past or future but humans know about their past and about their history and also they arrange their future.
2). Mother is very important to an infant the first person that the infant first met is his/her mother.
After the first hours that the infant has just born he/she would cry for his mother. But there are not only mother or father that the infant attach to. We don't what is like to be an infant,but we know how and what the infant like. Small baby like people that is sweet and gentle to him when they speak.
Infants like people who is soft when they speak to him. So in short, infants attach to soft, sweet, sing song, gentle to him.
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Psychlogy is study about the scientific study of mind and behavior or study about behavior of Human . we are going to discover the most...
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